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Capacity Building
The sustainability and sustainable finance landscapes are rapidly evolving, as new research, regulations, standards, and tools emerge. ASFI helps financial institutions to understand the latest developments, bridge gaps in ESG integration, and develop best practices.
ASFI will enhance the capacity of financial institutions to effectively manage ESG issues by:
Performing annual assessments of ESG integration by financial institutions to identify gaps, highlight strengths and progress, and provide actionable recommendations
Organizing capacity-building workshops for financial institutions on sustainable finance, tools, standards, regulations, sensitive sectors, and material cross-cutting ESG issues
Developing an array of self-paced, IBF accredited e-learning courses that cover a range of sustainable finance topics, from core themes like how to assess the quality of ESG data, to broader issues like regional regulatory developments, to sector specific topics, like how to drive climate-resiliency via investments across agriculture supply chains. Click here to learn more about our soon-to-be-launched e-learning platform, ASFI Academy.
Visit our Upcoming Events page to see upcoming workshops and training sessions.